The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Market closed
Hello everyone,
The cold snap we just had finished our market’s winter season and it will now be closed until spring. We are thankful for those we were able to serve in 2015 as well as the beginning of this year! God bless!
Hello everyone,
Due to the cold weather, we will not be having pickup tomorrow evening (Monday the 11th). Stay warm!
Pick-up times
Hello everyone,
Pick-up times are back to two days a week on Monday and Thursday evenings! Thanks!
Market changes
Hello everyone,
Due to a seasonal obligation, for the next few weeks we are only having one pickup day on Monday evening. All orders must be placed by 8AM on Sunday morning. Thanks!
Pickup days
Hello everyone,
We will be having the normal pickup day on Monday, however, there will be no pickup on Thursday (Oct. 29th). Thanks!
Pickup time change
Hello everyone,
The pick up time this week on Thursday is going to be held off until Friday 4:30pm-6:00pm. Thanks!
October 5th
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that next week there will be no pick-up on Monday the 5th. Thanks!
Hello everyone,
The summer produce was rather slow this year, but fall greens are now starting to come in! We have some available for tomorrow night pick-up!
Pickup time change
Hello everyone,
We have changed the pickup time on Thursday to 3pm-5pm. Thanks!
Pick-up days
Hello everyone,
Sorry this is a short notice, but we will not be having pick-up days either Thursday (the 18th) or next Monday (the 22nd). So the next pick-up day will be Thursday the 25th. Hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather!